ABOUT – LIBRARY – CONTACT – PRESSConditional Values (Panel 2020) – What if Our World is Their Heaven? (Workshop 2020) – Designing an Ecological Alexa (Workshop 2019) – Histories and Myths of the 21st Century Home (Panel 2019) – Deep Fakes or Rendering the Truth, IMPAKT (Panel 2018) – Deep Fakes or Rendering The Truth, Ars Electronica (Panel 2018) – IMPAKT 2017: Haunted Machines and Wicked Problems (Festival 2017) –

The first Haunted Machines event took place at Future Everything 2015 in Manchester. Curated talks were heard from Ingrid Burrington, Joanne McNeil, Warren Ellis, Eleanor Saitta, Chardine Taylor-Stone and Georgina Voss.
The speakers were brought together to discuss notions of magic and its relationship to contemporary discussions around technology.
Ingrid BurringtonJoanne McNeil
Warren Ellis
Morning Panel
Eleanor Saitta
Chardine Taylor-Stone
Georgina Voss
Afternoon panel discussion