Batou Toxic Lake, where waste water from electronics plants are diverted. Video from Tim Maughan

In partnership with Impakt Festival we worked with Feminist Internet to develop a one-day workshop and symposium with students from HKU to develop specualtive prototypes for ecologically-driven smart technologies. The results and some of the talks from the evening are documented here.

Presentations contextualising the workshop were given by Feminist Internet describing the work of the organisation and the design principles they used. Normally who demonstrated speculative prototypes for more ecologically efficient services and social networks and Low Tech Magazine.



Computing the Real (Talk 2022) – Haunted Machines at Talk To Me (Talk 2021) - Conditional Values (Panel 2020)What if Our World is Their Heaven? (Workshop 2020)Designing an Ecological Alexa (Workshop 2019) –  Histories and Myths of the 21st Century Home (Panel 2019)Deep Fakes or Rendering the Truth, IMPAKT (Panel 2018) – Deep Fakes or Rendering The Truth, Ars Electronica  (Panel 2018) – IMPAKT 2017: Haunted Machines and Wicked Problems (Curation 2017)The Hermetic Machine (Talk 2017)Accursed Creator (Panel 2017) Bot Like Me (Talk 2017) – Alchemy (Project 2016) Uninvited Guests (Talk 2016)It Came Through The Seams! (Talk 2016) – Scrycasts 1.0 (Project 2015-17) Haunted Machines (Festival 2015)Haunted Machines (Talk 2014)